Nasirkhan Tora [Nasirkhantora Kamolkhantora] (1871-1935) was one of the ideological leaders of the independence movement in Turkestan, a famous scholar.
He was born in Namangan in 1871 in the family of an Uzbek scholar. He studied in Bukhara, then in the cities of Kabul, Delhi, Baghdad, and Hijaz. After returning to Turkestan, he became a judge in Namangan in 1912. Since 1913, he actively participated in the Jadidist movement. He was the head of the Namangan branch of the “Shurai Islamiya” organization, a member of the Namangan City Duma (1917).
He was active in organizing the Fourth Extraordinary Congress of All-Turkistan Muslims on November 26-28, 1917 in the city of Kokand. In December 1917, he was included in the Turkestan Autonomous Government as the Minister of Education. After the overthrow of the autocratic government by the Bolsheviks in February 1918, according to Mustafa Chokai, Nasirkhan Tora Namangan fell into the hands of the Bolsheviks [1]. After being freed due to amnesty, he lived a secret life for a year. In 1919, he established a cell of the "National Union" organization in Kosonsoi. He was imprisoned several times by the Soviet regime. He was in exile in Orenburg (1925-1928). After returning from exile, he continued active struggle against the existing system [2].
At the meeting of the special troika of the OGPU on November 27, 1930, case 5054, that is, the case of Nasirkhan Tora, was considered and he was sentenced to be shot [3]. Along with him, many other people were sentenced to death. According to some sources, the repressed Nasirkhan Tora died in prison on September 27, 1935. He has “History of Turkestan” (consisting of 15 chapters), memoir “Orenburg letters”, and other works.
According to Alikhontora Saghuni, Nasirkhan Tora was originally from the nobles of Koson, and he was the teacher of Altinkhan Tora and Mubashshir Khans, who later lived in Arabia. After Nasirkhan Tora started an uprising against the communists, after this uprising was suppressed, he and his two teenage sons were captured by Chekists, brought to Tashkent and shot46.
In the 5th volume of “National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan” the date of death of Nasirkhan Tora was stated to be September 3, 1938.
[1] Mustafo Choʻqay oʻgʻli. Istiqlol jallodlari. - B. 49.
[2] [Rajabov Q.] Nosirxon Toʻra Said Kamolxon toʻra oʻgʻli // Oʻzbekiston milliy ensiklopediyasi. T. 6. - Toshkent: “Oʻzbekiston milliy ensiklopediyasi” Davlat ilmiy nashriyoti, 2003.-B. 401.
[3] Shamsutdinov R. Qishloq fojeasi: jamoalashtirish, quloqlashtirish, surgun (Oʻrta Osiyo respublikalari misolida). - Toshkent: “Sharq”, 2003. - B. 177.