Electronic platform about the history of Turkestan Autonomy


Hidayatbek Yurguly Agayev was a state and public figure [1]. He was born in the Fergana Valley in the last quarter of the 19th century. He was famous in the country as a well-known agronomist. Then he worked as Minister of Land and Water Resources in the Turkestan Autonomous Government. He also worked effectively as a member of the Turkestan National Assembly.

When the city of Kokand was shelled by the Bolsheviks in February 1918, Hidoyatbek Yurali Agayev was with Prime Minister Mustafa Chokai [2]. However, he was killed in one of the battles against the Bolshevik military forces in Kokand. Agayev’s wife: Josephina Stanislavovna Yurguli-Aga (maiden surname Trushkovskaya) graduated from the Petersburg Patriot Institute [3].


[1] Қаранг: Ражабов Қ. Туркистон Мухторияти вазирлари ҳамда миллий мажлис аъзолари ҳаёти ва тақдири. – Тошкент: “Bodomzor Invest”, 2021. – Б. 32-33.

[2] Мустафо Чўқай ўғли. Истиқлол жаллодлари. –Б. 49.

[3] Ражабов Қ. Туркистон Мухторияти вазирлари ҳамда миллий мажлис аъзолари ҳаёти ва тақдири. – Тошкент: “Bodomzor Invest”, 2021. – Б. 33.