Electronic platform about the history of Turkestan Autonomy


He was a spreader of enlightenment, one of the progressives who fought for national freedom in Turkestan.

Mirodil Mirzaahmedov was born in 1880 in the city of Marghilan.

Since 1917, he actively participated in political processes in the Fergana Valley. According to “Ulug Turkistan” newspaper, Mirodil was the chairman of “Shurai Islamiya” society in Marghilan in 1917. On November 15, 1917, he actively participated in the congress held by the “Ulama” society in Tashkent. He was elected a member of the Constituent Assembly from Fergana district. Mirzaahmedov was elected to the National Assembly of Turkestan in November 1917. According to Mustafa Chokai, he also worked as a minister in the second structure of the Turkestan Autonomous Government. At the end of February 1918, he was imprisoned by the Bolsheviks in Kokand.

Information about M. Mirzaahmedov’s activities after February 1918 has not been preserved. However, according to Uzbek Soviet poets, Odilkor (Mirodil) left Kokand and went to Afghanistan.

According to some sources, he was repressed in Uzbekistan in 1937.


Sources used:

  1. Qahramon Rajabov. Turkiston Muxtoriyati vazirlari hamda Milliy Majlis aʼzolari hayoti va taqdiri. – Toshkent: “BODOMZOR INVEST” oilaviy korxonasi, 2021. – 54-55-bet.
  2. Mingnarov A Turkistondagi ijtimoiy-siyosiy jarayonparning milliy matbuotda yoritilishi (1917-1918-y.). - Toshkent: “Istiqlol nuri”, 2013. - B. 91